Guest Handbook
Every guest’s indispensable companion to the course
an invaluable reference tool
Containing all the notes and exercises from the course itself, the Guest Handbook is an invaluable reference tool for guests to use during and after the course.
It includes:
All exercises and reflections
Helpful tips and additional information
The 4 week Money Fitness Plan
step-by-step guidance
The Guest Handbook also includes the Money Fitness Plan, a 4 week step-by-step guide, using the tools and tips from the course, to help you gain control of your finances
Order a printed copy
While the Guest Handbook is freely available to download, we also offer the option to order a printed copy at a small cost. Printed handbooks are available to order in the UK only.
Our online store is currently out of stock, but if you'd like a printed copy of the Guest Handbook, please email us to request one.